Is CBD in Bali, Indonesia Legal?

Update: Dec 2023 on CBD in Bali

Medicinal cannabis in Bali, cannabis-based oils and creams in Bali, hemp-based products in Bali, CBD, THC, hash and edibles, are illegal in Bali & all of Indonesia. Harsh penalties, such as arrest and jail time, can apply even if you have a prescription.

Information taken from Smart Traveller Australia

Can I take medicinal CBD or Marijuana into Bali, Indonesia?

No, you can not.

All types of cannabis, including recreational, medical, or hemp, are banned in Indonesia. The use of cannabis can lead to a prison sentence of up to four years, including fines and if convicted of smuggling, could face up to 15 years or even life in prison.

Where can i get an update on if Bali / Indonesia change the laws on CBD or Mariajuana?

Check our website from time to time to see if there are any updates but as for now, according to many reputal sources, It won't be happening anytime soon or IF at all. 

What happens if I accidentally take my CBD to Bali, Indonesia?

You will be in a serious situation and will need a lawyer as mentioned  on our site: 

"All types of cannabis, including recreational, medical, or hemp, are banned in Indonesia. The use of cannabis can lead to a prison sentence of up to four years, including fines and if convicted of smuggling, could face up to 15 years or even life in prison"

So please always check your case, or belongings before travelling to Indonesia and more importantly respect their rules and regulations on drugs including Cannabis, Cannabis Oil and all other variations of Marijuana in Bali.